Eppendorf Patents
Eppendorf is owner of numerous patents worldwide. Please respect our intellectual property.
The following products are protected by patents in the U.S.A. and elsewhere. This web page is provided in order to satisfy the virtual patent marking provisions of the America Invents Act. The following list of products of the Eppendorf Group may not be all inclusive, and other products of the Eppendorf Group not listed here may be protected by one or more US or foreign patents. For products not listed on this website, or if in doubt, please see the products, packages or inserts for patent information. In addition to the patents listed below, other patents may be pending.
Click here to view the list.

epMotion M5073, M5073c, 5073m, 5073mc and 5075m
This product and its use may be covered by one or more patents owned by Gen-Probe Incorporated. The purchase price for this product includes only limited, nontransferable rights under certain claims of certain patents owned by Gen-Probe Incorporated to use this product for research purposes only. No other rights are conveyed. Purchaser is not granted any rights under patents of Gen-Probe Incorporated to use this product for any commercial use. Further information regarding purchasing a licence under patents of Gen-Probe Incorporated to use this product for any other purposes, including without any limitation, for commercial use, may be obtained by contacting Gen-Probe Incorporated, Attn: Business Development Department, 10210 Genetic Center Drive; San Diego California 92121-4362, U.S.A.

Trademarks of Eppendorf Group
Figurative marks
BioBLU®Eppendorf SE
BioCommand®Eppendorf, Inc.
BioFlo®Eppendorf, Inc.
Biomaster®Eppendorf SE
Biopur®Eppendorf SE
CCCadvanced®Eppendorf SE
cellferm-pro®DASGIP Information and Process Technology GmbH
CellXpert®Eppendorf SE
Combitips®Eppendorf SE
Combitips advanced®Eppendorf SE
Combitips plus®Eppendorf SE
condens.protect®Eppendorf SE
CryoCube®Eppendorf SE
CuteVac®Eppendorf Himac Technologies Co., Ltd.
DASbox®DASGIP Information and Process Technology GmbH
DASGIP®DASGIP Information and Process Technology GmbH
DASware®DASGIP Information and Process Technology GmbH
Easypet®Eppendorf SE
eLabJournal®Bio-ITech BV
ep Dualfilter T.I.P.S.®Eppendorf SE
epGreen®Eppendorf SE
epMotion®Eppendorf SE
Eppendorf®Eppendorf SE
Eppendorf µCuvette®Eppendorf SE
Eppendorf BioPhotometer®Eppendorf SE
Eppendorf BioSpectrometer®Eppendorf SE
Eppendorf Combitips®Eppendorf SE
Eppendorf Kit rotor®Eppendorf SE
Eppendorf LoBind®Eppendorf SE
Eppendorf PerfectPiston®Eppendorf SE
Eppendorf PhysioCare Concept®Eppendorf SE
Eppendorf Plates®Eppendorf SE
Eppendorf QuickLock®Eppendorf SE
Eppendorf Reference®Eppendorf SE
Eppendorf Research®Eppendorf SE
Eppendorf Research pro®Eppendorf SE
Eppendorf ThermoMixer®Eppendorf SE
Eppendorf ThermoMixer 1.5 mL®Eppendorf SE
Eppendorf ThermoMixer plates®Eppendorf SE
Eppendorf ThermoStatEppendorf SE
ThermoTop®Eppendorf SE
Top Buret®Eppendorf SE
Eppendorf Tubes®Eppendorf SE
twin.tec®Eppendorf SE
Eppendorf Varitips®Eppendorf SE
Eppendorf Xplorer®Eppendorf SE
Eppi®Eppendorf SE
epPoints®Eppendorf SE
epServices for premium performance®Eppendorf SE
epT.I.P.S.®Eppendorf SE
Excella®Eppendorf, Inc.
FastTemp pro®Eppendorf SE
fedbatch-pro®DASGIP Information and Process Technology GmbH
flexlid®Eppendorf SE
Flex-Tube®Eppendorf SE
Galaxy®Eppendorf, Inc.
g-Safe®Eppendorf SE
HEF®Eppendorf, Inc.
himac®Eppendorf Himac Technologies Co., Ltd.
himac EPPENDORF GROUP®Eppendorf SE
In touch with life®Eppendorf SE
Innova®Eppendorf, Inc.
IsoTherm-System®Eppendorf SE
Lavibe®Eppendorf SE
LiquidPro®Eppendorf SE
LoBind®Eppendorf SE
LogManager®Eppendorf Himac Technologies Co., Ltd.
LoRetention®Eppendorf SE
Masterclear®Eppendorf SE
Mastercycler®Eppendorf SE
Mastertip®Eppendorf SE
Maxipettor®Eppendorf SE
MiniSpin®Eppendorf SE
MixMate®Eppendorf SE
Move lt®Eppendorf SE
Multipette®Eppendorf SE
Multipette smart®Eppendorf SE
Multiporator®Eppendorf SE
Nanotip®Eppendorf SE
NEO ANGLE®Eppendorf Himac Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiBowl®Eppendorf SE
OptiTrack®Eppendorf SE
PhysioCare Concept®Eppendorf SE
Picaso®Eppendorf SE
Pipet Helper®Eppendorf SE
RecoverMax®Eppendorf SE
Repeater®Eppendorf SE
SciVario®Eppendorf SE
SnapTec®Eppendorf SE
STAGBIO®Eppendorf SE
TwinLid®Eppendorf SE
UVette®Eppendorf SE
Vacufuge®Eppendorf SE
vapoprotect®Eppendorf SE
Varipette®Eppendorf SE
Varispenser®Eppendorf SE
Varitips®Eppendorf SE
VersaBay®Eppendorf SE
ViscoTip®Eppendorf SE
VisioNize®Eppendorf SE
®Eppendorf SE
®Eppendorf SE
®Eppendorf SE
Bildklasse(n) Wien: 19.13.25®Eppendorf SE
Bildklasse(n) Wien: 19.19®Eppendorf SE
Bildklasse(n) Wien: 19.19®Eppendorf SE
Bildklasse(n) Wien: 19.13.25, 19.19®Eppendorf SE
http://saegis.compumark.thomson.com/saegis/app/getimage?blobguid=I354DF7AE124F11DBAEE7000D60993453&maxwidth=250&maxheight=400®Eppendorf SE
http://saegis.compumark.thomson.com/saegis/app/getimage?blobguid=I354DF7AF124F11DBAEE7000D60993453&maxwidth=250&maxheight=400®Eppendorf SE
http://saegis.compumark.thomson.com/saegis/app/getimage?blobguid=I35197A6C124F11DBAEE7000D60993453&maxwidth=250&maxheight=400®Eppendorf SE
http://saegis.compumark.thomson.com/saegis/app/getimage?blobguid=I800621B8123A11DBAEE7000D60993453&maxwidth=250&maxheight=400®Eppendorf SE
Mark Image®Eppendorf SE
Mark Image®Eppendorf SE
Mark Image®Eppendorf SE
http://saegis.compumark.thomson.com/saegis/app/getimage?blobguid=IAC6037EC124211DBAEE7000D60993453&maxwidth=250&maxheight=400®Eppendorf SE
Mark Image®Eppendorf SE
Wiedergabe der Marke :®Eppendorf SE
Mark Image®Eppendorf SE (USPTO)
Mark Image®Eppendorf SE
http://saegis.compumark.thomson.com/saegis/app/getimage?blobguid=I79814D5A35EA11DE9A60000D609921FB&maxwidth=250&maxheight=400®Eppendorf SE
http://saegis.compumark.thomson.com/saegis/app/getimage?blobguid=I79814D5B35EA11DE9A60000D609921FB&maxwidth=250&maxheight=400®Eppendorf SE
Wiedergabe der Marke :®Eppendorf SE
Wiedergabe der Marke :®Eppendorf SE
®Eppendorf SE
®Eppendorf SE
®Eppendorf SE
®Eppendorf SE
®Eppendorf SE
®Eppendorf SE
®Eppendorf SE
®Eppendorf SE
®Eppendorf SE
®Eppendorf SE
®Eppendorf SE
®Eppendorf SE
®Eppendorf SE
®Eppendorf SE
®Eppendorf SE
http://corporate.eppendorf.com/fileadmin/epcorporate/data/trademarks/eLabJournal.jpg®Bio-ITech BV
http://corporate.eppendorf.com/fileadmin/epcorporate/data/trademarks/eLabInventory.jpg®Bio-ITech BV
http://corporate.eppendorf.com/fileadmin/epcorporate/data/trademarks/CalibrationTechnology.jpg®Calibration Technology Ltd.
®Eppendorf SE
®Eppendorf SE


US Patents Eppendorf Group
ProductPatent number
Actuator Unit for Peltier Exhaust CondenserUS 10,717,960 
BioBLU® 5p, BioBLU® 5c, BioBLU® 14c, BioBLU® 50c US 8,522,996
BioBLU® 0.3c, BioBLU® 1c, BioBLU® 3c, BioBLU® 5c, BioBLU® 5p, BioBLU® 10c, BioBLU® 14c, BioBLU® 50cUS 9,347,912
BioBLU® 0.3c, BioBLU® 0.3f, BioBLU® 1c, BioBLU® 1f, BioBLU® 3c, BioBLU® 3f, BioBLU® 10c, BioBLU® 10fUS 10,030,220
BioFlo® 510, BioFlo® 610, BioFlo® PROUS 8,292,591
CellXpert® C170; CellXpert® C170iUS 11,478,785
Centrifuge 5427 R, Centrifuge 5427 RGUS 9,993,830
Centrifuge 5427 R, Centrifuge 5427 RG, Centrifuge 5910 R, Centrifuge 5910 RG, Centrifuge 5920 R, Centrifuge 5920 RG, Centrifuge 5910 RiUS 10,449,559
Centrifuge 5418R, 5424R, 5430R, 5427R, 5425 RUS 8,845,967
Centrifuge 5424R, 5427 R, 5425 RUS 8,783,737
Centrifuge 5425, 5420, 5419, 5425 RUS 9,149,815
Rotor S-4xUniversalUS 11,247,215
Aerosol-tight fixed-angle rotor for Centrifuges 5920R,5804, 5804R, 5810, 5810R, 5427R, 5430, 5430R, 5418, 5418R, 5425 RUS 9,149,815
Combitips advanced® 25ml / 50mlUS 8,839,685
US 8,813,584
US 9,291,529
Combitips advanced®US 8,813,584
US 9,291,529
Easypet® 3US 9,028,774
ep Dualfilter T.I.P.S.® SealMaxUS 9,138,741
epMotion® 5073; epMotion® 5075US 8,377,396
epMotion® 5075 VACUS 6,666,978
Eppendorf BioSpectrometer® FamilyUS 8,464,171
Eppendorf Cell Culture Flasks (all)US 9,708,576
Eppendorf Cell Culture Flasks (all Flasks with plug-seal cap)US 9,776,771
Eppendorf DNA LoBind ProdukteUS 9,937,492
Eppendorf Deepwell PlateUS 8,636,965
Eppendorf Injectman® 4US 9,644,763
Eppendorf MicroplatesUS 8,636,965
Eppendorf PiezoXpert®US 9,422,520
US 10,031,493
US 10,723,991
Eppendorf Reference® 2US 7,674,432
US 8,297,134
US 9,044,749
Eppendorf Reference® 2 multi channelUS 7,673,532
US 9,339,811
US 9,393,561
Eppendorf Reference® 2 single channel ≤ 1000 µl
Eppendorf Reference® 2 multi channel
US 7,434,484
US 9,027,419
Eppendorf Reference® 2 variableUS 9,295,986
Eppendorf Research® plusUS 7,674,432
US 8,133,453
US 8,297,134
Eppendorf Research® plus ≤ 1000 µlUS 7,434,484
Eppendorf Research® plus multi channelUS 7,673,532
US 9,393,561
Eppendorf ThermoMixer® CUS 8,827,540
US 9,016,929
US 9,352,323
Eppendorf ThermoMixer® F0.5, F1.5, F2.0US 8,827,540
US 9,016,929
Eppendorf ThermoMixer® FPUS 8,827,540
US 9,352,323
Eppendorf ThermoStatTM CUS 9,352,323
Eppendorf TransferMan® 4rUS 9,644,763
Eppendorf TransferMan® 4mUS 9,644,763
Eppendorf Xplorer®/ Eppendorf Xplorer® plusUS 7,674,432
US 7,694,592
US 8,028,592
US 8,096,198
US 8,570,051
US 9,403,163
US 9,579,645
Eppendorf Xplorer®/Eppendorf Xplorer® plus
multi channel
US 7,673,532
US 9,393,561
Eppendorf Xplorer®/Eppendorf Xplorer® plus
single channel ≤ 1.000 µl
Eppendorf Xplorer®/Eppendorf Xplorer® plus
multi channel <1.250 µl
US 7,434,484
Eppendorf µCuvette®US 9,677,994
Exhaust Condenser Adaptor , all typesUS 10,717,960 
gripping tool for epMotion® 5073; epMotion® 5075US 7,462,327
Innova S44iUS 8,226,291
Mastercycler® X50s; Mastercycler® X50a; Mastercycler® X50p; Mastercycler® X50hUS 10,648,993
Mastercycler® pro FamilyUS 8,492,137
US 8,722,394
Mastercycler® pro Family; Mastercycler® nexus Family; Mastercycler® X50 Family US 8,322,918
US 8,722,394
Mastercycler® nexus Family; Mastercycler® X50 FamilyUS 10,286,397
MixMate®US 7,575,363
US 8,550,696
Multipette®/Repeater familyUS 8,114,361
US 9,011,799
US 9,579,645
Multipette®/Repeater M4US 8,408,079
US 9,180,446
US 8,813,584
US 9,291,529
US 9,289,762
US 9,579,644
Multipette®/Repeater® stream/ Xstream, Multipette®/Repeater® E3/ E3xUS 7,731,908
US 8,813,584
US 9,291,529
US 9,289,762
Multipette®/Repeater® E3xUS 9,835,600
Optical sensor epMotion®;
epMotion® 5070, 5057 - alle Typen
US 6,819,437
PCR CoolerUS 6,616,897
Pipetting tool for epMotion®US 8,377,396
SnapTecUS 8,540,948
twin.tec PCR PlatesUS 8,636,965
US Design Patents
Eppendorf Research® plusUS D625429
Eppendorf ThermoMixer®US D569988
US D731237
US D759265
US D759266
US D798468
US D798467
US D798466
Eppendorf Plates®US D601713
US D601714
Eppendorf Xplorer®US D674913
Eppendorf µCuvette®US D731671
Multipette® stream and Multipette® XstreamUS D548358
ep Dualfilter T.I.P.S.®US D679826
epMotion® 96 InterfaceUS D771661
Eppendorf Centrifuge RotorUS D760400
Eppendorf Combitips®US D709623
US D706946
US D733909
US D733910
US D740436
US D740437
US D782619
Trademarks of other owners
10x Chromium 10x Chromium™ is a  trademarks of 10x Genomics, Inc., USA.
10x Genomics ®10x Genomics, Inc., USA. 
Accel – NGSAccel-NGS® is a registered tardemarks of Swift Biosciences Inc., USA.
AddThis®Addthis Inc.
Adidas®Adidas AG
Adobe®Adobe Systems Inc.
Adobe Flash®Adobe Systems Inc.
Adobe logo®Adobe Systems Inc.
AgilentAgilent is a trademark Agilent Technologies, Inc.
Allen BradleyRockwell Automation Inc.
AllTypAllType™ is a trademark of One Lambda Inc., USA.
Amazon®Amazon Europe Holding Tech. SCS
American Express®The American Express Company
AmplisedAmpliseq® is a registered trademarks of Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.
AndroidGoogle Inc.
anlytica®Messe München GmbH
Apple®Apple Inc.
Applikon®Applikon B.V.
Axio®Carl-Zeiss-Stiftung DBA Carl Zeiss
Axiovert®Carl-Zeiss-Stiftung DBA Carl Zeiss
Biochrom®Harvard Apparatus, Inc
BIODISCOVERY®BioDiscovery, Inc.
Bio-Rad®Bio-Rad Laboratories
BioSpec®Secomam & Societe d‘etudes
et de construction
Brij®Croda Americas LLC
CareDxtrademark of CareDx Inc, USA.
Centriprep®Millipore Corporation
Centronics®Centronics Data Computer Corporation
CompactLogixRockwell Automation Inc.
COVIDseqCOIVDseq® are registered trademarks of Illumina Inc., USA.
Cryotube®Vangard International, Inc
Cryovial®Simport Plastiques Corporation
Diaphot®Nikon Inc
DNeasy ®DNeasy® is a registered trademarks of QIAGEN Group, Netherlands.
Duran®Schott AG
ErgoOne®Starlab International GmbH
ErgoOne logo®Starlab International GmbH
Excel®Microsoft Corporation
Facebook®Facebook Inc.
Falcon®Becton, Dickinson and Company
Fibra-Cel®Imerys Minerals California, Inc.
Ficoll®Pharmacia Fine Chemicals, Inc.
Fortron®Fortron Industries Corporation
FTA®Flinders Technologies Pty Ud.
FugeOne®Starlab International GmbH
Fujifilm®Fuji Photo Film Co., Ltd.
GAMP®International Society For
Pharmaceutical Engineering Inc.
GE Healthcare®General Electric Company
Geneaid Trademark of Geneaid Biotech Ltd., Taiwan 
Genequant®Harvard Apparatus, Inc
GEO®Gruner + Jahr AG & Co KG
GEO schützt den Regenwald e.V. logo®Gruner + Jahr AG & Co KG
GEO.DE®Gruner + Jahr AG & Co KG
Google AppsGoogle Inc.
Google MapsGoogle Inc.
Google StoreGoogle Inc.
GoTaq®Promega Corporation, USA.
Hellma®Hellma GmbH
Hitachi®Hitachi, Ud
Holotype HLAHolotype HLA™ is a trademark of Omixon Inc., Hungary
Illumina®registered trademarks of Illumina Inc., USA
ilmac®MCH Group AG
ImaGene®BioDiscovery, Inc.
in-cosmetics®Reed Exhibtions Ltd.
Interphex®Reed Elsevier Properties Inc.
iOS®Apple Inc.
iPad®Apple Inc.
iPhone®Apple Inc.
iPod®Apple Inc.
iPod touch®Apple Inc.
ISM®Mettler-Toledo AG
iTunes®Apple Inc.
LabMed®Medirex a.s.
Laborama®UDIAS A.S.B.L
Leatherman®Leatherman Tool Group Inc.
Leica®Leica Technology
Leica logo®Leica Technology
LightCycler®Roche Diagnostics GmbH
MagBind ®MagBind® is a registered trademark of Omega Bio-Tek, Inc., USA.
Maglite®MAG Instrument, Inc.
MasterCard®MasterCard International tncorporated
Mathlab®Mathworks Inc.
Maxwell® Maxwell® is a registered trademarks of Promega Corporation, USA.
MegaBACE®Amersham Pharmacia Biotech
Mettler Toledo®Mettler-Toledo AG
MICROONE®Starlab International GmbH
Microsoft®Microsoft Corporation
Microtainer®Becton , Dickinson And Company
Moleskine®Moleskine S.R.L.
MVS®MaeLean-Fogg Company
Nalgene®Nalge Nunc International Corp.
NEBNext®New England Biolabs®, NEB® and NEBNext® are registered trademarks of New England Biolabs Inc., USA.
New England Biolabs ®registered trademarks of New England Biolabs Inc.,USA
Nextera Nextera® are registered trademarks of Illumina Inc., USA.
Nikon®Nikon lnc.
Nikon logo®Nikon lnc.
NIST®National Institute of Standards and Technology
U.S.Department of Commerce
NucleoMag®MACHEREY-NAGEL Gmbh & Co. KG
NucleoSpin®NucleoSpin® is a registered trademarks of Macherey-Nagel Gmbh & Co. KG., Germany
Nunc®Nunc NS Corporation
Ohaus®Ohaus Coorperation
Olympus®Olympus Optical Co., Ltd
Olympus Logo®Olympus Optical Co., Ltd
Omega Bio - Tek ®Omega Bio - Tek and MagBind is a registered trademark of Omega Bio.Tek, Inc., USA
Omixon ®Holotype HLA is a trademark of Omicon Inc., Hungary. 
One LambdaAll Type is a trademark of One Lambda Inc., USA 
Oregon Scientific®Oregon Scientific Inc.
Pentium®Intel Corporation
PerkinElmer®PerkinEImer, Inc.
Philips®Philips GmbH
PicoGreen®Molecular Probes, Inc.
Plexiglas®Arkema Inc.
Promega®Promega Corporation, USA.
Promega  Logo®Promega Corporation, USA.
QIAprep®QIAprep® are registered trademarks of QIAGEN Group, Netherlands.
QiAseqQIAseq® is a registered trademarks of QIAGEN Group, Netherlands.
Quick – DNA/RNA Quick-DNA/RNA™ is a trademark by Zymo Research Europe GmbH, Germany.
Red dot design award logo®red dot GmbH & Co. KG
RepeatOne®Starlab International GmbH
Ribo – ZeroRibo-Zero® are registered trademarks of Illumina Inc., USA.
Roche ®Roche® is a registered trademark of Hoffmann-La Roche Inc.,
Switzerland. Kapa™ is a trademark of Roche Molecular Systems, Inc.
SanDisk®SanDisk Corp.
Sartorius®Sartorius AG
SENSEO®Koninklijke Douwe Egberts B.V.
Shimadzu®Shimadzu Corporation
SIGG®SIGG Switzerland AG
SmartCycler®Cepheid Corporation
SMARTer®SMARTer® is a registered trademarks of Takara Bio Inc., USA.
Speedminton®Speedminton GmbH
SQL Server®Microsoft Corporation
STAR LAB logo®Starlab International GmbH
SureSelectSureSelect® is a registered trademark Agilent Technologies, Inc.
Swift BioSciences®®Swift BioSciences® and Accel-NGS® are registered tardemarks of Swift Biosciences Inc., USA.
Takara Bio®®Takara Bio® and SMARTer® are registered trademarks of Takara Bio Inc., USA.
Techne®Techne Corporation
Thermo Fisher Scientific®Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc.
TIPONE®USA Scientific Inc.
TIPONE L®USA Scientific Inc.
Triton®Union Carbide Chemicals & Plastics Inc.
TruSeqTruSeq®  is a registered trademarks of Illumina Inc., USA.
TruSightTruSight® are registered trademarks of Illumina Inc., USA.
TUBEONE®Starlab International GmbH
TÜV Nord logo®TÜV Nord GmbH
Tween®ICI Americas, Inc.
Twitter®Twitter Inc.
Vacutainer®Becton, Dickinson and Company
VelaDxVela Diagnostics Holding Pte Ltd. Sentosa
VISA®Visa International Service Association
Windows®Microsoft Corporation
YouTubeGoogle Inc.
Zeiss®Carl-Zeiss-Stiftung DM Carl Zeiss
Zeiss logo®Carl-Zeiss-Stiftung DM Carl Zeiss
Zymo ResearchZymoBIOMICS is a trademark by Zymo Research Europe GmbH, Germany


Trademark Information: Registered trademarks on this list have appeared in Eppendorf publications and on this website. All trademark name representations and listed owners are believed to be accurate, but not guaranteed to be so. If you believe any of this information to be incorrect, please contact trademarks@eppendorf.de regarding trademark errata.