Eppendorf contributes to improving human living conditions

Eppendorf is a leading international life science company that develops, manufactures, and distributes instruments, consumables, and services for use in laboratories around the world. The product portfolio of the business units Liquid Handling, Consumables, Separation & Instrumentation and Bioprocess includes, for example, pipettes, pipette tips, centrifuges, mixers, ultra-freezers and bioreactors for cell and gene research. In addition, Eppendorf offers a wide range of high-quality consumables.

Eppendorf products are most broadly used in academic and commercial research laboratories, e.g., in companies from the pharmaceutical and biotechnological as well as the chemical and food industries. They are also used in laboratories that perform clinical or environmental analysis, in forensic laboratories and in industrial laboratories where process analysis, production and quality assurance are performed.  

Since 1945, the Eppendorf Group has been headquartered in Hamburg, Germany, and today operates production and R&D sites in Europe, Asia and North America and has subsidiaries in 33 countries. Today, the Group employs more than 5,000 people worldwide.

Annual Report 2023

The Eppendorf Group recorded consolidated revenue of €1.081 million in the reporting year (prior year: €1.234 million). In comparison with the same period last year, this corresponds to a decrease of 12.3% (prior year: +12.1%). The Eppendorf Group’s operating profit (EBIT) likewise declined, coming to €113.8 million in 2023 (prior year: €225.6 million). This equates to an EBIT margin of 10.5% (prior year: 18.3%).
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Annual Report 2023

PDF | 12 MB | 25.06.2024


Management & Supervisory Board

Philipp von Loeper


    Prof. Dr. Elmar Hinz

    stellv. Vorsitzender

      William A. Linton

      Vice Chairman

        Poncho Meisenheimer

        Member of the Supervisory Board

          Marlis Kripke

          Labour Representative

            Peter Schmidt

            Labour Representative

              Code of Conduct

              It is our common understanding that we do not just wish to comply with legal and regulatory requirements. We feel committed to high ethical standards and principles. In order to prevent any - however unintentional - reputational damage, clear rules of conduct for all members of the Executive Board and all employees are required. In order to make our views of an integral corporate conduct transparent, we have defined and laid them down in a binding Code of Conduct. The Code of Conduct for all employees and members of the Executive Board of Eppendorf SE and its German and international subsidiaries provides guidance for legally impeccable behavior based on ethical principles. The rules mark the commitment of both Eppendorf and its business partners to attach the utmost importance to the quality of business, advice and dealings with each other within their cooperation. The Code of Conduct also contains a procedure for reporting violations to help employees respond immediately to any wrongdoing they may encounter.

              Find more information here

              Eppendorf Code of Conduct 2022

              PDF | 4 MB | 15.03.2023
