Eppendorf Code of Conduct
The Eppendorf Code of Conduct defines how we see ourselves as a company, summarizes rules for our conduct and serves as a binding orientation in legal issues for all of us at Eppendorf. The Code of Conduct is also the basis for our business.
In addition, the Code of Conduct provides information about available reporting channels. These channels offer the possibility for asking questions, expressing concerns, and reporting potential violations of rules, also completely anonymously upon request.
Eppendorf Code of Conduct
Additional Information
Since the Code cannot answer all questions that might arise with regard to our activity at Eppendorf, these general rules in the Code of Conduct are further specified in Eppendorf guidelines which apply locally or throughout the Group.
Eppendorf Code of Conduct for Business Partners
We have prepared a Code of Conduct for our Business Partners. We expect that their activities will correspond to the respectively applicable national laws, the principles of the United Nations Local Compact as well as the Code of Conduct for Business Partners.
Eppendorf Code of Conduct for Business Partners