Eppendorf Zentrifugen GmbH Leipzig
Eppendorf Zentrifugen GmbH Leipzig is the Technology Center for the development and production of benchtop and microcentrifuges as well as laboratory accessories at the highest technological level. As part of the globally active Eppendorf Group, the employees manufacture innovative high-tech products that are characterized by the highest quality and precision.
Reliable and environmentally friendly products
For more than 75 years, laboratory centrifuges including accessories have been developed and produced at the Eppendorf site in Leipzig, Germany. Thanks to the constant and targeted expansion of the site, the unbroken demand for high-quality laboratory technology can be met reliably.
In product development, Eppendorf Zentrifugen GmbH consistently implements regulatory and customer-specific requirements with precision and inspires customers with innovative solutions. Agile development processes ensure the highest quality of development performance, focusing on the customer. Quality management defines processes and tools that systematically anchor error prevention in all areas.
Eppendorf Zentrifugen GmbH stands for quality and future orientation
Eppendorf Zentrifugen GmbH relies on long-term partnerships with its suppliers and constantly monitors their quality processes. Key figures and regular communication throughout the organization help colleagues in Leipzig to review their processes and continiuously improve their work.
The managers foster a working environment that motivates and enables all employees to make independant decisions and to achieve the highest quality standards. The starting point for employee development is the management's quality. The goal is to enable employees to improve processes directly on site, through which product quality is enhanced meeting a zero-defect philosophy.
Every employee ensures the high quality standards of the premium Eppendorf brand.
The customer promise and the company's purpose
The products of Eppendorf Zentrifugen GmbH are innovative and of high quality, as such they set industry standards. The basis of its expertise is the constant focus on customer needs and providing tailored solutions. To ensure excellent product quality at all times, employees work daily to further improve process quality. To this end, the expertise of everyone involved is used to continuously improve in small steps every day.
This is the only way to implement Eppendorf's purpose, which was clearly formulated by the company's founders and still applies today: The Group's products help to improve human living conditions. This also includes the company's own employees. Eppendorf attaches great importance to good team collaboration as well as occupational health and safety. Employees can expect attractive remuneration, numerous social benefits, and a wide range of training and continuing education opportunities. The company places expectations on the quality of its management in order to be able to continuously develop employees and the organization.