
Eppendorf SE
Barkhausenweg 1
22339 Hamburg

Phone: + 49 40 53 801-0
Fax: + 49 40 53 801-556
E-mail: or contact form


Registration court:
Local Court Hamburg
Registration number: HRB 171526

Management Board:
Dr. Wilhelm Plüster (CEO of the Eppendorf Group), Hans-Christian Stuff (Member of the Management Board, Chief Financial Officer), Dr. Dirk Eric Loebermann (Member of the Management Board, Chief Operating Officer)

Chairman of the Supervisory Board:
Philipp von Loeper

Turnover tax identification number pursuant to § 27 a Turnover Tax Law: DE 118649726

Responsible for content pursuant to § 55, 2 Rundfunk-Staatsvertrag:
Dr. Ralph Esper, Barkhausenweg 1, 22339 Hamburg, Germany

Despite careful control of the content we are not liable for the content of external links.
The owners of the external sites are responsible for the content of the linked websites.