29.05.2020 | Magazine

Off the Bench 01/20

Eppendorf Off the Bench 01/20 – Out Now: No easy decision

A thousand times a day we ask ourselves: Right or wrong? In times of unlimited possibilities, we have to decide. Our approach is not always entirely rational. Emotions tend to interfere. Simple rules of thumb can help us make the better choice. Read also which decisions machines can take over for us and which ethical and moral questions arise when using artificial intelligence.

Be part of it: This year the Eppendorf Group celebrates its 75th anniversary. This is a good time to look back - and look ahead: Eppendorf is also dealing with important issues for the future in this context.

Learn more and take a look at our magazine!

Off the Bench can be ordered free of charge via magazine@eppendorf.com, or you may subscribe online at News & Media.